Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Roxanne Guinoo and Elton Yap 2011 Wedding

     No one can forget her pretty face when she joined the popular reality show of Star Circle Teen Quest and won 2nd runner up. She was one of the top list well known celebrities in the Philippines and made a lot of movies over many years.

     Rumors were spread that she was pregnant which she admitted on air last February. She felt blessed for having a child in her womb. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last September 13, 2010. And now her dream wedding came true on January 23, 2011. She married to a non showbiz name Elton Yap. Every girl has the right to be jealous including me. This is a perfect wedding. I found this video on You Tube and I was mesmerized.

     Now, she has no plan quitting showbiz despite of being a mom and a wife.


Anonymous said...

Really? I didn't know she got married. I thought her bf was that showbiz guy( that i can't remember his name. LOL )

Nene said...

I got the TFC so i catch all the latest chismis from the Phils hehe

Unknown said...

I don't know about this issue either. How come you are more updated than me? You are there in the US while I'm here in Manila. You must be affiliated with Roxanne of her manager. Hihi. Just kidding!


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